Our holistic counselling approach embraces multiple therapy styles to create a dynamic session addressing mind, body and spirit.

We combine counselling, exercise therapy, movement therapy, creative therapy and yoga nidra to ensure a well rounded session both in private and group settings.

Disconnect with everyday expectations, let your imagination thrive, explore your mind and discover new elements of yourself.

Private Sessions

Nourishing your mental health through a combination of therapies and techniques to create long lasting change in your life. Private sessions are designed with your needs in mind. Whether focusing on physical or mental health, Yourself In Mind offers flexibility in designing sessions to help support you on your journey.

Mental Health

Holistic Counselling

Starting with an initial session we look at you as a whole. Together we look at the bigger picture: sleep, exercise, nutrition and other aspects of your lifestyle to gain a better understanding of how to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. From here our ongoing sessions will be dedicated to focusing on your needs, including therapies and strategies that will be the most beneficial to supporting you.

Physical Health

Personal Training

Physical activity is an essential part of your physical and mental health. Regular exercise not only benefits your body but also enhances your sense of well-being. Through mobility and functional movement sessions are structured to improve your strength, flexibility, balance, spatial awareness,endurance and mindfulness. Supporting you to enjoy your body and its capabilities.

Narrabeen Group Sessions

Group classes are intimate groups of between 12 to 18 people. This small group setting fosters an environment of encouragement and support. Work alongside fellow peers to utilise the power of community to help grow together.

Group classes are a combination of complementary therapy types that compound together. To get the most out of these sessions I encourage you to attend at least two different classes to support your body, mind and spirit.

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